How to Choose a Body Shop

February 3rd, 2022 by

With many different body shops available for automotive repairs, it can be a little overwhelming to choose the right one. Unless you are a professional automotive body technician or work in the industry, it can be a daunting task when you need to have your vehicle repaired. Here are eight steps to help you make an informed…

Posted in Buyers Guide

Okoboji Motor Company is Thankful for….

November 22nd, 2021 by

With Thanksgiving being a few days away, we wanted to express what we’re thankful for this year! We here at Okoboji Motor Company are thankful for all of our guests, family, and friends. As a car dealership, we also have our list of car stuff we’re thankful for! Entertainment options – it’s only in recent years…

Posted in Buyers Guide

Leasing VS Buying

April 20th, 2021 by

In the automotive industry there are multiple ways you can go about getting a vehicle; Leasing or Buying. There are pros and cons to both, which we will go over, but the question is: what really is the difference? I sat down with a few Sales Consultants to get some answers.   What does it…

Posted in Buyers Guide
Okoboji Motor Company 43.423138, -95.131229.